About Me

Hello there! I’m Carol. Thanks for getting this far to know more about me and how I can help you. I won’t bore you with a long story so I’ll keep it short and sweet. 

I work with business owners and entrepreneurs, helping them organise their day to day business activities that they struggle to find the time to do. Mostly due to their busy schedules or limited resources.

So, if you’re looking for abit of organisation behind-the-scenes in your business, then you’re in the right place. Email Marketing Automation, WordPress Updates, CRM set up, we’ve got you. Organising your business systems and processes to improve your work-flow efficiency and productivity is what I can help you with. I won’t promise you anything more than that. 

Welcome 🙂

I’ve worked in the IT space for over a decade and I’ve seen first hand how applying the right systems (or Saas) to a business function, simplify work processes and make life easier for everyone. 

In this day and age, why struggle with Excel Macros when you have fully integrated CRM platforms like Dubsado, HubSpot and Salesforce that help you understand your customers journey better. Don’t get left behind. Scroll to the bottom to book a free session or slide over to the contact me page and let’s have a chat.

Creating VA Thrive has given me the freedom and flexibility to fully step into the arena of possibilities and opportunities out there. Living life more intentionally, and working with some amazing clients who are passionate about changing other people’s lives with the products and services they offer. 

My services are available for SMBs in IT, Building & Construction, Non-Profits and Health & Wellbeing. 

Carol is super precise and a pleasure to work with. 

My 16 personalities profile (INFJ-A): Assertive Advocate – Diplomat – Confident Individualist

When I’m not working, you’ll catch me taking walks in nature or doing some type of exercise. Health & fitness has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. I also love to travel and explore new places when I can.

I journel occasionally and read a lot of business and personal development books. I love to learn and grow, sharing what I know with others. In the hope that one day, I get to write a book that inspires more people to live their best life. If you’re interested in personal development and business topics, check out my list of recommended books here

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